‘Abhaya’ organized a session on ‘Sexual Exploitation and the Importance of Counseling’

“Emotional wellbeing is just as important to us as breathing is.” To bring about emotional balance and confidence among the students, St Agnes P U College under ‘Abhaya’ organized a session on ‘Sexual Exploitation and the Importance of Counseling’ for the students of the college.

Dr Rameela Shekhar the Director at Manashanthi Counseling - a Training and Research Centre, Mangalore was the resource person. The speaker in her address stressed upon what we need to do in times of exploitation and how the victim has to have confidence in oneself as well as people around like parents, teachers and counselors.

Sr Norine DSouza, Principal, Sr. Janet Sequeira, Vice Principal, Dr Tressie Menezes Convener of Abhaya were present on the dais. Sr Judith Frank introduced the speaker and welcomed the gathering. Khatheeja Fida from II SEBA proposed the vote of thanks. The entire programme was compered by Lama from II HEPP. The programme ended with the college anthem.