Christmas Programme

St Agnes PU College celebrated Christmas with great gaiety on 23rd December.
Dr. Theresa Leonilda Mendonca was the distinguished guest of honour and in her address to the gathering she spoke about the significance of Christmas. She elaborated on how Christmas is a miraculous time when God sent his son Jesus Christ to us as a gift. We can brighten the world and spread joy by empathising with others and lending a helping hand.

The cultural event began with a prayer dance that invoked God's blessings. A dance drama depicting the euphoria experienced on the birth of Jesus Christ was performed by enthusiastic students. The high-octane western dance performance energised and uplifted the crowd, bringing Christmas cheer to everyone's hearts. The dulcet voices of the students singing Christmas carols, brought cheer to the occasion.

Valentina Fernandes hosted the day’s event with flair. Viya Sequeira introduced the chief guest and welcomed the gathering. Roshni Nair expressed her gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of this happy occasion.