Session on “Cleanliness and Hygiene”

“Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it”

Cleanliness and safety committee of St Agnes PU College organized a session on “Cleanliness and Hygiene” for all the students of Commerce and Arts on 25th July 2022 in the college auditorium. The programme began with a prayer song. DrJoyleneDAlmeida, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist was the resource person.

The speaker in her address stressed upon menstrual hygiene, personal hygiene, sleep hygiene, dental hygiene and balanced diet.

Mrs.Arshiya Patel introduced the speaker and welcomed the gathering, Ms.Jenisha Benita Saldanha proposed the vote of thanks. The programme was compered by Ms.Nimra Patel.

Principal, Sr.Norine DSouza, lecturers and students were a part of the programme.