Ethnic Day 2022

Ethnic day is a day of celebration for the diversity of cultures and ethnicities. It enables the young generation to revive love and respect for their own culture and history.

St Agnes PU College organized Ethnic Day on 10 th December 2022. Sr Norine Dsouza AC, the Principal, Sr Janet Sequeira AC, the Vice-Principal, Staff and Students were present for the occasion. It was an endeavor to bring about expression of unity in diversity that holds together the multitudes of outlooks, lifestyles and tradition to reflect the ethnicity of our country.

The day was celebrated in the most beautiful way and whole campus seems to be charged with an ethnic atmosphere. The college cabinet welcomed everyone with a flash mob. On this occasion, a fashion show was conducted by students of different classes to showcase their effort in capturing the essence of Indian fabrics. There were exciting events like Flash Mob, Ethnic Walk, Talent Show and spot games organized by the students. The students celebrated it with much enthusiasm and it was an amazing experience for all students.