“Talent wins games but team work and intelligence wins championships”.

With the objective to provide platform for the I Year students to showcase their talents, Freshers Day “EXORDIUM 2K21” was organized by St Agnes PU College on 13th November 2021. The inaugural of “EXORDIUM 2K21” took place on the college grounds in the presence of Principal, Sr Norine DSouza, Vice Principal, Sr Janet Sequeira, staff, support staff and students. The Principal addressed the students and encouraged them to move forward with vigour and enthusiasm.

The events of the long day programme included various competitions.
I PCMB ‘A’ Batch emerged as Champions of EXORDIUM – 2K21
Throughout the day, the students witnessed a wonderful splash of events which was well organized by the college cabinet under the able guidance of Vice Principal, Sr Janet Sequeira and Mrs Shailaja. The I PU students put up a scintillating performance which made Freshers Day a memorable day to cherish.