Felicitation of Ruth

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell

St Agnes PU College felicitated its successful and proud alumna Ms Ruth Clare D’Silva, who has secured the First All India Rank in CA examination conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).

This felicitation programme was held in the college auditorium on 22nd September, 2021. An Alumna of the college, CA Salome Deepa Lobo, Managing partner of D’Souza & Lobo, Accounting Firm in Mangalore was the Guest of Honour.

Mrs Olivia Pais, Department of Economics, reminisced about the fond memories of Ruth being an enthusiastic and passionate student and read out the citation acknowledging her relentless hard work and her remarkable achievement.

CA Ruth expressed her gratitude to her Alma Mater for providing an excellent platform and wonderful opportunities to grow into a successful individual. She urged the young students to focus on their aim and work with determination and dedication to scale greater heights.

On behalf of the Management, Dr Sr Lydia commended Ruth for her exceptional achievement and for bringing laurels to her Alma Mater. In her address she stressed on the fact that faith in God, faith in oneself and faith in life needs to be the mantra for success.

CA Salome congratulated Ruth and then motivated the student community sharing few pointers to achieve the pinnacle of success.

The felicitation ceremony was witnessed by Dr Sr Lydia Fernandes AC, the Joint Secretary of St Agnes Institutions, Sr Janet Sequeira, the Vice- Principal, Mrs Rosy Marie and Mr Rupert D’Silva, Parents of Ruth, Mr Ravi Bhat, the Vice- President of PTA Executive Committee, Mrs Suvasini , the Convenor of Agnosphere - the Alumni Association, members of the PTA, the Staff and students of II PUC

The programme was compered by Ms Privy D’Souza, the College Student President. Mrs Suvasini welcomed the gathering and Ms Calvisha , the Student Vice- President proposed the vote of thanks.

The formal programme was followed by an interactive session wherein Ms Ruth guided the aspiring CA students by giving them valuable inputs and clarifying their queries. This session was well appreciated.