Fresher's Day 'EXORDIUM' - 2k22

St Agnes PU College organized Fresher’s Day ‘EXORDIUM’ for the I PU students on 6 August 2022. The programme evoked an enthusiastic response from the students and provided them a wide canvas of opportunity to exhibit their talents. The programme began in the auditorium with the ceremonial lighting of the three dimensional letters by the Principal SrNorineDSouzawho declared it open.

‘EXORDIUM– 2022’ was conducted by the College Cabinet and included several exciting competitions like Face Painting, creative writing, Dance, Music, Quiz, Ms Fresher, Cooking without Fire, Poster Making, Crafting with Yarn etc. The events were geared to keep the fun quotient pulsating and engage the students and increase the camaraderie among them. The students got a glimpse of campus dynamism and the day slowly metamorphosed into a memorable one, especially as the cabinet members along with the other students performed a special flash mob dance.

The day ended with a valedictory program where all the winners were awarded certificates for their hard work. The Principal SrNorine, Vice Principal Sr Janet Sequeira, faculty, Cabinet members and students were present on the occasion.