‘La Gloria’ – Celebrating Excellence in Academics

‘La Gloria’ – Celebrating Excellence in Academics, an orientation programme was organised by St Agnes PU College for the parents of the newly admitted students on 9 and 13 September, 2021 to acquaint them with various aspects of the college. The programme which began with a prayer was held in the college auditorium, where Dr Caroline Dsouza, Neuropsychiatrist addressed the parents and spoke about the challenges of parenting in the time of pandemic and the mental and emotional toll it exerts on both parents and children. She spoke about how the current situation has created a lot of pressure and stress on parents and children alike. After elaborating on the kind of issues and problems that society is currently facing, she exhorted the parents to adopt a positive and upbeat outlook and gave them tips to overcome the problems and anxieties and told them how to focus on the overall development of the child and forge strong bonds with them. She also felicitated and commended the toppers of the tenth standard board examination and pointed out how all students deserve accolades for clearing these exams, in spite of the several hurdles they had to face. She also advised parents not to succumb to the anxiety caused by the prevailing uncertainty and to keep the lines of communication open with their children.

The Principal addressed the gathering and intimated them about the rules and regulations of the college and the expectations of being a student at St Agnes PU College. An online orientation session was also conducted by each class mentor to help the students to transition effortlessly to the new campus life.

Mrs Shailaja compered the programme, Mrs Joanne Sheethal welcomed the gathering and introduced the chief guest, while Mrs Lovina read out the names of the toppers, and Mr Jeevan rendered the vote of thanks. The chief guest Dr Caroline Dsouza, Principal Sr Norine Dsouza, Vice Principal Sr Janet Sequeira, PTA Vice President Mr Ravi Bhat and the staff convenor Mrs Jyothi Pinto were the dignitaries present on the occasion.