Outreach Programme - II PCMB 'B' Batch

The students of II PCMB ‘B’ Batch visited St Agnes Special School and vocational training center in Bendorewell on 12th September as a part of the outreach program. The inmates welcomed us with open arms and guided throughout our time on the campus. As we entered each classrooms, the students looked puzzled, yet they greeted us with a smile on their face. We wanted to spend a little time with them and were successful in making them comfortable with us. As we could leave from one class to another, some of them would hug us, hold us tightly and not let us go.

We also visited the neighboring vocational center. They were taught vocational skills like book-binding, painting, stitching, flower making, carpentry, drawing and other crafts. We were amazed by the skills they all knew. As we returned to our college, we brought many life lessons along with us. We thank our dear Principal and Vice Principal for giving us this opportunity.