Outreach Programme - Arts Students

St Agnes PU College organised an outreach program to St Antony Ashram, Jeppufor the students of I & II HEPP. Fr Rupesh, The Assistant Director and Fr Larry introduced. They gave a brief about the inmates and their way of living. He also said that there was hostel facility for poor children. First we visited the animal husbandry, where the animals were being taken care of by the inmates themselves. Then we visited the inmates which was an eye opening experience. The inmates were happy to see us. We spoke to them, they shared their feelings with us. We sang songs to them and had fun with them. They shared with us their life experiences about how they ended up in the ashram. There was also a psychiatry ward where inmates got special attention. It was really a heartwarming experience. Students of I & II HEPP and the Dept. of Humanities donated a wheelchair and soaps to the inmates. It was great connecting with them. We will surely cherish these memories.