Pick & Speak Competition

Public speaking and good communication skills are a part of personality development. Recognizing this need for students, the pick and speak competition was organized by the Department of Physics for both I & II PU students on 13 September, 2022. The competition brought out the extempore and oratory skills of the students. MrAshwin Kumar welcomed the gathering and MrsChaithanyaNayak rendered the vote of thanks. Students participated enthusiastically. The winners of the competition are In the I PU category, Ms Diya Shankar from I CEBA won the First place and MsPia Carmen Aranha from I PCBH won the Second Place in the II PU Category, MsVandan Joan Rasquinha from II PCMB ‘A’ won the First Place and MsSweezalManviMonteirofrom II PCMB ‘A’ won the Second Place.