Quiz for the staff members on Mother M Aloysia A.C

“Education is incomplete without the formation of character” Mother M Aloysia A.C

To imbibe the values and strengthen the filial love for the Founder St Agnes PU College conducted quiz for the staff members on Mother M Aloysia A.C on 8th October 2022 in the Conference Hall. The teams were named after the provinces of the Apostolic Carmel asEast, West, North, South, Karnataka and Center. The prelims for the same was conducted on 3rd September 2022. The finalists of the quiz were Western Province, Karnataka Province, Northern Province and Southern Province. The Quiz Master for the day was Rev. Father Anil Fernandes, Director of Canara Communication Centre. The 1st place was garnered by Western Province and the 2nd place by Southern Province. The enthusiasm and interest of the staff was commendable.

Mrs.Jeshma DSouza, Department of English welcomed and introduced the Quiz Master. Mr Joel Fernandes, Department of Physics rendered the vote of thanks. The Principal SrNorineDSouza A.C, Vice Principal Sr Janet Sequeira A.C and the lecturers graced the event.