Cancer Awareness and Hair Donation Drive

Keeping in mind the impact of Cancer on women, ‘Abhaya’ womens’s forum of St Agnes PU College in collaboration with ‘Fly High’ Charitable Trust and Prewinkle Ladies Beauty Parlour, organised Breast Cancer awareness session and hair donation drive on 23 October 2021 at 11.30 am
The programme began with the arrival of our chief guests, it was hosted by Ms Serena Saldanha. The guests were welcomed by Mrs Preema Correa, Faculty of Biology Department.

Dr Sangeetha, Gyneac Oncology Surgeon spoke on how, good food habits and good sleep pattern can reduce the risk of cancer and how continuous self-examination of the breast can be useful to detect cancer at early stage.
Mrs Mercy D’Souza spoke about importance of hair donation and how the hair could add a smile on people’s face, who have lost their hair due to cancer. Mrs Preethi D’Souza, owner of Prewinkle Beauty Parlour extended her helping hand in our cause. 23 donors all together, youngest donor is of 9 year old and eldest is 59 years.

Vote of thanks is rendered by Ms Privy D’Souza, the Student President
Sr Norine D’Souza, the Principal, Sr Janet Sequeira, the Vice-Principal, Abhaya co-ordinator Dr Tressie Menezes, the staff and students were present on the occasion.