Christmas Celebration at St Agnes PU College

St Agnes PU College organized Christmas Celebration on the 23 December, 2019. Prof. Maria D’Costa, the guest of honour was introduced and welcomed by Ms Hyacinth. In her speech, the Chief Guest said that caring and sharing with others is the true meaning of Christmas.

The cultural programme began by invoking the presence of God with a prayer dance. Enthusiastic students performed the skit on the life of Saint Nicholas which made us realize the history behind the children’s beloved Santa Claus. The super-charged western dance performance energized and boosted the spirit of the audience by getting Christmas cheer in the hearts of all. A group of melodious singers enriched our souls with their Christmas carols.

The event was anchored by Ms Vidhula with her spectacular skills. Ms Melita Tellis thanked everyone for being a part of this joyful occasion and making it a successful one.