Workshop On “Emotional Health And Emotional Equity”

A workshop on "Emotional Health and Emotional Equity" was conducted for the staff. The resource person for the day was Dr Harish Shetty, Psychiatrist, Hiranandani Hospital, Powai. The session was very informative and helped gain insight into one’s own mental and emotional states and enabled clarity of thoughts and feelings vis - ā - vis students and their needs. He went on to highlight the fact that a smile is a sign of respect and imbues the workplace with positive energy.

Mrs Shalet Fernandes spoke on the need to maintain a work- life balance and stressed that paying attention to ones diet, getting, sufficient sleep and making time for exercise are crucial for optimal health. The staff of various Apostolic Carmel Institutions in and around the area also attended the session. The assistant Provincial Superior Sr Rose Agnes and the Educational Secretary Sr Ida Barboza graced the occasion.