Food Fest 2020

‘The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ is an old saying which proves the fact that food can never disappoint one. The ‘Food Fest 2020’ organized on 4 January, by the cabinet of St Agnes PU College clearly satisfied the cravings of one and all with a variety of sweets and savouries sold at the event. Students were given an opportunity to exhibit their cooking and baking skills. The event was judged by Sr Janet Sequeira AC, The Vice Principal, Sr Jyotsna AC, Headmistress of St Agnes Higher Pry School, Sr Sannidhi and Mrs Pramila DSouza from the Department of English. The profits from the sale of food items will be given for charity. An open stage was provided to the students to portray their talents and to provide utmost entertainment. Handmade earrings and bracelets were also sold during the event. All in all, it was a day filled with fun, food and flavours.