‘FRESCO’ – Seize the Moment, a fun and interactive session was organised for the students of St Agnes PU College on March 4 th and 5 th , 2021. The purpose of the day was to give scope to the students’ creativity and to ensure that they have a relaxed and stress-free day.

Students came in shifts and the college ensured that all the Covid-19 protocol was implemented. The students participated with vivacity and ebullience in a variety of competitions, cultural performances, exciting games and activities. The students got a glimpse of campus dynamism and an opportunity to mingle with their peers.

‘Artistic Flair’- an exhibition on items handcrafted by students was also organised to encourage and motivate the students to unleash their talent and creativity. Sr Norine DSouza, The Principal inaugurated the exhibition and was full of praise for the multifaceted talents of the students. The convenors of the exhibition Mrs Olivia, Mr Joel, Mr Kiran and Ms Liekitha strived hard to ensure its success. The event was meticulously organised and executed by the faculty. The students found the entire day very engaging and uplifting. The joy and revelry witnessed on the occasion was indeed heartening.