St Agnes PU College, celebrated the Girl Child Day on October 11, 2020,
which was held by ‘Abhaya’ the College Women’s Forum. The chief guest of
the programme was Sr Dulcine Crasta UFS, Director, Shanthi Sandesha
Resource and Development Centre on Child Rights.
The programme began with a prayer song. Dr Tressie Menezes, the co-ordinator
of ‘Abhaya’ welcomed all and introduced the chief guest. Sr Dulcine Crasta
while speaking on the occasion stressed on the importance of this day and the
need for empowering a girl by ensuring her equal opportunities of growth and
development. She also emphasized the need for launching collective efforts
against diminishing child sex ratio besides bringing about a change in the
society towards girls.
She motivated each one to work on any one aspect of womens’ rights and
contribute to the development
Ms Preema Correa read the annual report of ‘Abhaya’ the women’s forum of St
Agnes PU College undertook the noble task of disbursing scholarships to the
needy meritorious students as a gesture to encourage them to study further and
accomplish their goals.
Mr Ashwin proposed the vote of thanks. To conclude, one of the student
Ms Thrisha Shetty gave a unique performance depicting the importance of Girl
Child. The programme was compered by Ms Carol Lobo.