Hamd Competition

St Agnes PU College, conducted a Hamd singing competition which received an enthusiastic response from the students who participated whole-heartedly.
The competition was judged by the Mrs Mariyam Shaheera, Principal, Islamic Centre, Mangaluru and Mrs Lovina Aranha, Lecturer in Commerce. The judges appreciated the immense talent displayed by the students who recited in their dulcet voices, the ‘Hamd’ with great gusto and vigour.

The winners of the competition were:
I PUC: 1st place: Khadeejath Shama – I PCMB B
II PUC: 1st Place: Sharal Aquinus – II PCMB A
2nd Place: Florida Almeida –II PCMB B
3rd Place: Kripa Rasquinha – II PCME