Independence Day - Azadi Ka Amruth Mahothsav - 2022

Independence Day Azadi Ka Amruth Mahothsav was celebrated with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervor on the grounds of St Agnes PU College. This year the event took place with greater vigor and verve as it marked the 75th anniversary of India’s independence from foreign rule. This day has tremendous significance in the hearts of every Indian for it signaled the dawn of a new era.

The outdoor programme which was compered by MsSweedal commenced with an invocation to the Almighty invoking blessings on our motherland and its people. The prayer song was led by Bhoomika and group. MsSneha, Dept. of Mathematics welcomed the gathering and introduced the chief guest, MrRaghuveerSouterpete, District Youth Co-Ordinator, Nehru Yuva Kendra Sanghatan. This was followed by the most solemn part of the occasion, the hoisting of the tricolor by the esteemed chief guest.

The chief guest MrRaghuveer Souterpete extended greetings to everyone present on the occasion and urged the students to adopt the freedom fighters as heroes and models. He spoke of how education is a tool that empowers the youth to contribute to nation building as proud citizens of this country and praised the remarkable constitution of this country that empowers every citizen regardless of caste, creed or class.

Then it was the turn of the college student president MsKhathija Zamya to express her views and perspective on the significance of this special occasion.
The cultural extravaganza which was held in the Auditorium accentuated the theme of Unity in Diversity. Thanvi and group performed the welcome dance with aplomb and captivated the audience. Melisha and group evoked love and respect for the nation through patriotic songs.MrsPragathi, Dept. of Physics welcomed and introduced the privileged guests of the day MrArun Kumar, Retired Assistant Resesrver Sub-Inspector and Self Defence Trainer, MrSajith Kumar R, Retired Indian Air Force official. MrsCrystle, Dept. of Statistics welcomed MrsThangam Narayan, Widow of Warrant Officer, P V Narayanan and mother of martyred Pilot Officer N Vijeet. They were honoured for their dedication and devotion to the motherland. The students highlighted the culture and diversity of this nation through a stage programme. The event culminated with a patriotic dance by Ivin and group and concluded with the final formation and a rousing rendition of the national anthem.

The entire cultural programme was ably compered by Diya Shankar, while MrsJyothi Pinto, Dept. of Humanities proposed the vote of thanks. The dignitaries on the dais were MrRaghuveerSouterpete, Principal SrNorine Dsouza, Vice Principal Sr Janet Sequeira, Sr Gloria, Head Mistress, St Agnes High School, PTA Vice President, Mrs Asha Sanjeevana, PTA Joint Secretary MrAvinash Krishnakumar,DrTressie Menezes programme co-ordinator, faculty and students. The Principal appreciated the consistent endeavors of the students, the discipline and passion with which they performed.