Interactive Programme Between Media and Doctor

Interaction with media persons at doctors – media interaction programme was organised by Mangaluru Press Club in Association with Centre for Health and Development (CHD) and Association of Medical Consultants (AMC). Our students Diya D’Cunha, Mizna Alima, Winola Lobo, Ancita Pinto, Sharon Saldanha and Kumkkuum Machaiah were a part of this interview under the guidance of  Mrs Tressie Menezes. Centre for Health and Development CEO Dr Edmond Fernandes, KSHEMA Pediatrics Surgery Department head Dr Sandeep Rai, Senior Journalist N.T Guruvappa Balepuni and Association of Medical Consultants (AMC) convenor and trauma and plastic surgeon Dr Sathish Bhat addressed the media and the students. The purpose of the discussion was the interaction in the wake of growing incidents of miscommunication or lack of communication between doctors and media personnel. It was a whole new experience for our students in the field of Journalism. There were questions raised and suggestions given about utmost priority of a doctor during any emergency situation is to save the life of a patient and to bring in a better medical faculty in our State and in Mangaluru in particular. After the session, our students had an informal interaction with the speakers putting forth their personal experience and suggestions and the dignitaries were quite impressed by the enthusiasm and lively participation of our students.