Leadership Training

“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things” said Ronald Reagan.

A leadership training programme was conducted on 23rd Jan 2021 for the newly elected cabinet members, class representatives of I and II PUC and their assistants. Dr Raghavendra Holla N, the chairman of Swatiska Charitable Trust, a certified soft skill trainer and the founder President of JCI Mangaluru Samrat was the resource person. He has initiated start-up companies like Swastika Accounts management and other companies to develop practical experience in students. He enlightened the student leaders on ways to build on their existing leadership skills in order to increase their leadership capacities. Through this interactive session the student leaders gained insight on goal settings, human relations and leadership. Sr Janet Sequeira, the Vice Principal welcomed the resource person. Ms Henrika Crasta, the College President proposed the vote of thanks.