One Day Workshop for the Mathematics Lecturers

Dakshina Kannada District PUE Mathematics Lecturers’ Forum in association with St Agnes PU College, Mangaluru and DK PU College Principals’ Association organized a one day workshop for the Mathematics Lecturers on 11th August 2022 at St Agnes PU College, Conference Hall, Mangaluru. The inaugural programme commenced with the lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries MrVittal, Prof. S SBosco, MrMadhukarSalian and SrNorine Dsouza, Principal of St Agnes PU College. MrsRamya, Head of Mathematics Department, St Agnes PU College welcomed the Gathering.

The chief guest MrVittal in his address appreciated the service of the lecturers during the pandemic. The Trustee of Bosco Institutions. Prof. S SBosco, took up a session on shortcut methods in CET/JEE. A session on ‘Careers in the field of Mathematics’ was conducted by DrReena Alva, Founder and Managing Director of MARS. Later Mr Lawrence Sequeira, Lecturer, Pompei PU College briefed about NEP. The session was followed by the election of office bearers of the DK Mathematics Forum.

The workshop concluded with a valedictory programme. The sessions were informative, constructive and interactive. Principals and lecturers from various colleges actively participated in this one day workshop. MsSneha compered the programme and Ms Carol proposed the vote of thanks.