Pta Meet 2018-19

St Agnes Pre- University College conducted the Annual General Parent – Teachers’ Association meeting for the Academic year 2018-19 on July 6th 2018 in the College Auditorium. Dr MariellaD’souza, Associate Professor, KMC Hospital Mangalore was the guest of honour. In her address she urged the parents to be a role model for their children so that the children imbibe good values which will help them to be responsible citizens of the country.

The event began with the students invoking God’s blessings with a prayer song. Mrs Anita Dehnugar welcomed the august gathering. Mrs Jeshma Dsouza, the PTA Secretary read the minutes of the meeting and SrShamita A.C, the Principal presented a report on the activities of the association. Mrs Jyothi Pinto, the Treasurer read out the audited statement of accounts and outlined the budget for the current academic year.

On this auspicious occasion the students who have excelled in the II PUC board examination 2018 were also felicitated by the Guest of honour Dr MariellaD’souza; The Joint Secretary of St Agnes Group of Institutions, Dr Sr Maria Roopa; The Principal SrShamita A.C; The Vice -Principal SrNorine A.C; PTA Vice President Mrs Anita Dehnugar and the PTA members. Then there was elections for the new office- bearers which was conducted bySrShamita, the Principal. The large gathering of enthusiastic parents and well-wishers was deeply gratifying. The entire programme was compered by Mrs Preema Pereira, Department of Computer Science.