Women's day celebrated at St Agnes PU College

One the occasion of International Women's Day the women staff members of the college were welcomed by the male staff members with a placard bearing their special characteristics, which was followed by a ramp walk at the open air stage. A talk on 'Mental Health and Well Being' by Ms Freeda and her team of Freedom nutrition Centre was also organised Sr Norine DSouza - The Principal, Sr Janet Sequeira - Vice Principal and some of the senior staff members were honoured on the occasion. Each staff member was gifted with a memento. A few spot games and games for the entire female staff members were also conducted. The programme was coordinated by the 'Abhaya' Team- Women's Forum and male staff members.

Refreshments and a sumptuous lunch was laid out for the staff members. The programme was compered by Mr Mathew and Mrs Chaithanya proposed vote of thanks.